
We want to help Made in Italy products with a high environmental quality to be recognizable on the market, thanks to the diffusion of the Made Green in Italy scheme and the use of the Product Environmental Footprint, both in Italy and abroad.

To boost sustainable growth, we need to make sure that the most resource-efficient and environmentally-friendly products on the market are known and recognisable. By giving people reliable and comparable information about the environmental impacts and credentials of products and organisations, we enable them to choose. And by helping companies to align their methods we cut their costs and administrative burdens.

Janez Potočnik

Former European Commissioner for Environment

Support citizens and companies

The LIFE MAGIS – MAde Green in Italy Scheme project has two main objectives, one oriented to citizens and the other to companies.


Contribute to provide citizens and consumers who care for environment and sustainability reliable and comparable information on the environmental impacts of products, to help them make conscious and informed choices.


Help Italian companies working to reduce the impact of their products on the environment to highlight their qualities and their efforts, to make them more competitive on the market in a time when the attention and sensibility towards these topic is constantly increasing.

Logo Made Green in Italy - Ministero della Transizione Ecologica

Spread reliable schemes and methodologies


The project thus aims at experimenting with the Made Green in Italy (MGI) scheme, promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment with the Decree 56/2018 to assess and communicate the environmental value of Made in Italy products, developing and testing new Product Category Rules (PCR) for different sectors.


The MGI scheme is based on the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology, promoted by the European Commission with the Recommendation 2013/179/EC to harmonize the assessment of the environmental impacts of products. Through its activities, the LIFE MAGIS project aims also to facilitate a wider uptake of PEF in Italy and Europe.

Promote transparent communication

LIFE MAGIS wants to test the most effective ways to communicate the environmental value of products, organizing initiatives on the field, oriented to citizens and final consumers. Finally, the project aims to spread MGI and PEF also to sectors different from those tested within LIFE MAGIS and to the same sectors but in other European countries.

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