LIFE MAGIS with PEFMED Plus and Terra Barocca to spread PEF (December 9, 2021)

Auditorium Floridia Modica (RG) - Italia

LIFE MAGIS organized with the Gruppo di Azione Locale (GAL) Terra Barocca and the Interreg PEFMED Plus project, part of the LIFE MAGIS collaboration network, the seminar “Promuovere modelli di produzione e di consumo sostenibili nel settore agroalimentare attraverso l’impronta ambientale di prodotto” (tr: Promote sustainable production and consumption models in the agrifood sector through the product environmental footprint).

The event will be held at the Auditorium Pietro Floridia in Modica – RG (Italy) on December 9, 2021 from 5,30 pm till 8 pm. It aims at spreading the knowledge and use of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), especially in the supply chains of typical and high-quality products of the Hyblean area where the GAL Terra Barocca works (chocolate, wine, cheese, olive oil…).

During the meeting, ENEA will present the LIFE MAGIS project and the Made Green in Italy scheme, based on PEF. The Consortium for the Protection of Pecorino Romano Cheese will contribute with the experience it gained in using PEF and Made Green in Italy to valorise the also environmental side of POD and high-quality product.

The complete programme of the seminar is available at this link.

It will be possible to attend the event also on-line, after registering at this link.

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